Join the Team
The Judith Crossley Memorial Songwriting Award is looking for people to join our (very small) team.
We’re only ‘active’ between June and October and all of the tasks involve minimal time to manage.
The pay is nil, but the long holidays are great!
Seriously though, this is a very minimal requirement of your time and energy but it can be very rewarding.
Our aim is to make the whole process as simple and as easy to manage as possible.
We are looking for people with one or more of the following skills who are prepared to be involved for a minimum of just 2 years.
Do you have experience with any of the following?
MailChimp - we use MailChimp to communicate with people who submit song entries and also to target any promotion of the JCMSA. We are also beginning to build a subscriber list. Our knowledge and use of MailChimp isn't great. We're happy to teach a beginner what we know, and equally happy for someone to teach us. Currently we estimate that we would send out less than 10 emails a year so it's not exactly time consuming.
Website Management - We use Google Sites to create and maintain our website because it's super easy to use and.... it's FREE! We probably update the website 3 or 4 times a year with news about the JCMSA.
Publicity - We need someone who is 'on the ball' and up with Social Media advertising. Our budget is $0 so we need someone with a creative mind. Is that you?
Selecting Finalists - This would require a commitment of listening to all song entries over about 10 days after the applications close in September/October. We have a very simple and fair system to enable the selection of 10 finalists.
Don't be shy, click on the 'Tell me more' button below for more information about becoming part of our team.