Enter Your Song

Entries for 2024 are now OPEN

Entries close 31st of August

Entry is FREE

The intention of the Judith Crossley Memorial Songwriting Award is to encourage people to write new songs about people, places, or events in South Australia.

Prize money of $300 is offered to the winner and $100 to each runner up as decided by the judges on the day of the Award Finals.

Ten finalists will be selected from entries received and their song will be adjudicated by an independent panel of judges.

The song will be judged on its merits as a song, not on the performance or the sophistication of the recording.

Copyright of the song is retained by the writer.

Judges will individually use the following marking criteria:

Note: At the bottom of this page are some YouTube links which may be of assistance to you if you're having trouble creating an MP3 audio file.

Please allow a few seconds for the online application form to appear below

Click on the buttons below for helpful tips on recording your song onto a smartphone. 

There are many more helpful videos on YouTube if you are having difficulty creating an MP3 file.

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